Primulator  Newsletter
Friday, February 07, 2025
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Zummo - New Brand in Primulator Poland porfolio
Carpigiani distributors award January 2018
Carpigiani distributors award January 2018
Workshops on ice cream production November 2017
Polagra September 2017 POLAND
New Zabrze office - September 2017
McDonalds Award - June 2017
Charity auction for chlidrens hospice June 2017
Recall of Grand opening of new office nad 25th anniversary June 9th 2017
New office in Lodz almost finished
The official opening of the new office in Gdynia
Eurochef - new brand in Poland
Primulator at EuroGastro 2014
Primulator at Expo Sweet 2014
The opening of a new office of Primulator in Krakow.
WMF 8000 S premiere in Poland - Petrol Station Fairs
First Video promotion for Merrychef ovens
Faema Enova Award - Horeca 2012 fairs
Charity auction for chlidrens hospice June 2017

We are very pleased to announce that during the charity auction conducted by Cezary Pazura within the Rally of Entrepreneurs in ŁÓD¬ PKN Orlens T-shirt, with the signature of Adam Kszczot - one of the best Polish athletes, was auctioned. The score written down on the T-shirt is the best result at 800 m in Adams career, earned in 2011 at the competition in Italy. The amount will be donated by the Primulator to the childrens hospice run by the Gaius Foundation. It is worth mentioning that we had the opportunity to visit the center and replica tag heuer get acquainted with the activities of the Foundation and the touching occasion to meet the children under hospice care.
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