Primulator  Newsletter
Friday, February 07, 2025
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Zummo - New Brand in Primulator Poland porfolio
Carpigiani distributors award January 2018
Carpigiani distributors award January 2018
Workshops on ice cream production November 2017
Polagra September 2017 POLAND
New Zabrze office - September 2017
McDonalds Award - June 2017
Charity auction for chlidrens hospice June 2017
Recall of Grand opening of new office nad 25th anniversary June 9th 2017
New office in Lodz almost finished
The official opening of the new office in Gdynia
Eurochef - new brand in Poland
Primulator at EuroGastro 2014
Primulator at Expo Sweet 2014
The opening of a new office of Primulator in Krakow.
WMF 8000 S premiere in Poland - Petrol Station Fairs
First Video promotion for Merrychef ovens
Faema Enova Award - Horeca 2012 fairs
The opening of a new office of Primulator in Krakow.

We are pleased to announce the opening of a new sales office in Poland  - the fourth after Lodz, Warsaw and Poznan. Primulator has had its  representative in the province of Lesser Poland of more than four years. For about a year  we were looking for premises suitable for our needs. The agreement was signed in February this year, but the time needed for paperwork and adaptation allowed us to officially open it at the beginning of  June. The new site allows us  to hold  meetings with customers, to conduct trainings and presentations of our products. We plan periodic trainings within the confines of  the Espresso Academy as well as  ice-cream trainings  within the CARPIGIANI GELATO UNIVERSITY / Carpigiani-Gelato-University. The novelty that we are going to introduce are trainings and presentations with the use of Merrychef machines  for rapid cooking and  Garbin  bakery  ovens.
Gastronomic  market in the province of Lesser Poland is a very important area for our actions, which is why the opening of the Krakow office consists  a part of the company's development strategies, where one of the goals is to be close to our customers. It is very important for us to provide our clients with professional services, not only through our existing offices. Another important aim is also to strengthen cooperation and promote joint projects with our partner companies in the south of  Poland.
The official opening took three days, it was simple  but busy. It was also a test for the possibilities of our activities in this place. On the first day there was a training and presentation of a universal equipment for the pastry production  CARPIGIANI PASTOCHEF. The presentation was  led by a well-known technologist Peter Bak. On the second day there was a demonstration and training of  Latte Art. The  manager and coach of the Academy of Espresso Marcin Moczydłowski, as usual, presented his above-average craftsmanship. On the third day an  official opening of the company's offices in Krakow took place and it was conducted by the Director - Marek Robacha. There was champagne, wishes, guests and a very nice atmosphere. Then Ela Citak from the Coffee Proficiency presented alternative methods of coffee preparation as well as the art of combining coffee and alcohol.
In a total of three days our office was visited by dozens of people - customers, owners and representatives of partner companies. We also had  an opportunity to celebrate the opening of the new  office in a newly opened restaurant  “Zakładka”, known for its excellent  cuisine.

Primulator Kraków
ul. Pocieszka 11
31-408 Kraków
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